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about me.


Hello There!


I'm a Designer and Illustrator with 20 years experience in the toy industry and 8+ years offering support as a character/prop designer for the animation industry. I'm always looking for new ways to express the character and story ideas in my head, and love finding ways that I can help people visually develop their ideas. Let me know if I can be of any help to you.


As a child of the 1980's, Animation and Toys have always been near and dear to my heart and were always my comfort space when I was a kid. I found solace in the animated features, episodic cartoons, and toys that were available to me as I navigated life’s twists and turns. The stories functioned as a surrogate support system for me that made me feel like I could get through any challenge with the right attitude. Though I didn’t know it at the time, those were the very things that would lead me down a creative path and eventually into the toy industry. While there, I drew on the experiences from my childhood in an effort to bring more positive energy into the world. To become the change in the world that i wanted to see. It brought me a lot of joy to help give back like that while doing something I was passionate about, designing characters. To this very day, I’m still enthralled by the way I feel when watching a feature/episode/or playing with a toy that has a great story, tons of heart, great designs, color, and epic worlds that the characters live in. I’m drawn to this sort of thing, and am striving to connect with others who are as well.

Currently, I'm the Director of Character and Product design for Superplastic. My role encompasses (and blurs the lines between) developing new toys, new character development to expand the IP and entertainment, new illustrations to support creative and marketing, and on occasion i get to help out with storyboards. It's a real pleasure being one of the creative forces behind the scenes driving the visual direction of an emerging universe that is unique and irreverent in the best of ways. 


My skillset ranges from: Design/Development for product/entertainment, Character design, Color Guides/Deco Sheets, Design Schematics/Orthographics, Packaging Illustrations, Playset Design, Presentation Illustrations, Prop Design, Stylization, Sculpt inputs/Turns, and Vehicle Design.

Aside from that, i frequently occupy myself with an assorted array of general nonsense.




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